Handbags are used to carry the essentials, though they have also been known to serve another purpose. Handbag designs are the easiest way to incorporate your style into the latest trends as the right handbags makes you look more put together and ultimately show off your personality and fashion sense. Along with most aspects in fashion, there certainly style Dos and Don’ts when it comes to choosing the right handbags that fit your body type, occasion and needs. This handbag guide offers different designs of handbags to help you stay up to date with the latest styles and trends for your next handbag purchase. Read More
With a variety of different handbag styles, only a few stand long enough in the fashion world. Whether a shopping-friendly tote, evening clutch, functional cross body, or a stylish shoulder piece, the following styles are the top favorites in the handbag world.
Cross body handbags are shoulder bags that include a long strap to wear across the body as it helps distribute the weight between the back and the shoulder. They are usually styled very casual in medium or large frames and are also made with luxurious materials. Evening handbags are usually small bags that are purposed for formal evens and special functions. They are only designed to carry minimal essentials as they often include delicate details of beads, rhinestones, sequins, fringe, lace, and exotic materials. Evening handbags are usually wristlets of soft clutches. Tote bags are usually open-top rectangle or square bags with handles or straps and made of durable material with optional compartments. Tote bags are often used as a travel carry on, gym bag or shopping bag.
Designer handbags always make sure to use the high quality materials which range from heavy hardware to buttery cream leather. With the prices of materials increasing every year, coated canvas and leathers have become such a commodity that only adds to the value. Brands such as Birkin’s gold-plated handbag may seem a little elaborate, though the material prevents tarnish to last the bag’s quality of timelessness.
A designer handbag will cost big bucks but the luxury and quality of the brands will last a lifestyle. Louis Vuitton is known for its monograms that form straight across the bags with even and tight stitching while Chanel provides a signature hologram stick along with highly-famed patchwork. Gucci and Christian Dior have simple, luxury designs.
Craftsmanship always counts when it comes to choosing the right handbag. The work is always done by handbag artisans as high quality can never be done by a machine. Handmade handbag items are the most desirable as it ensures that your designer handbag has been taken care with cure, cut and properly stitched within the home base of luxury brands. The shape, size and length of a handbag will how determine how a person compliments the style. Handbags are a great way to complete the outfit as statement pieces add an extra pop of color when your outfit is neutral.